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Picked Red Apples


SPE Memorable Moments (2018) interview of DL Maria A. Capello
AAPG Wildcatters D&I Lecture (2021)


A Guide to Career Resilience: For Women and Under-Represented Groups (Springer, 2022), by Eve Sprunt and Maria A. Capello 1st ed., 2022 Edition


Learned in the Trenches: Insights into Leadership and Resilience Compiled by Two Women Leaders in Energy, (Springer, 2017), whose lead author is Maria A. Capello



Maria Angela Capello, Emer Caslin, Iain S Stewart, Denise Cox, Ludivine Wouters, Anna C. Shaughnessy, Vimal Singh, Miriam Winsten, Estella A Atekwana, Heather K. Handley, Kombada Mhopjeni, and Ted Bakamjian, 2022, “Geoscience in Action – Advancing Sustainable Development”, UNESCO - AGU 2022 (in Press)

Maria Angela Capello, Emer Caslin, Iain S Stewart, Denise Cox, Ludivine Wouters, Anna C. Shaughnessy, Vimal Singh, Miriam Winsten, Estella A Atekwana, Heather K. Handley, Kombada Mhopjeni, and Ted Bakamjian, 2022, “The Making of a Geoscience Sustainability Atlas: Communicating the Contributions and Influence of Geoscientists in Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago 2022 The Making of a Geoscience Sustainability Atlas: <em>Communicating the Contributions and Influence of Geoscientists in Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals</em> (

Maria Angela Capello, Camelia C. Knapp, Matt Upson, Clarke Iakovakis, and Kristen Baum “Ingraining Sustainability in Geoscience Academic Offering” AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, 2022. Ingraining Sustainability in Geoscience Academic Offering (

Maria Angela Capello, Emer Caslin, Iain Stewart, Denise Cox, Ludivine Wouters, Anna Shaughnessy, Miriam Winsten, Estella Atekwana, Heather Handley, Vimal Singh, Ted Bakamjian and Kombada Mhopjeni. 2022.Creating a Geosciences Sustainability Atlas. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE

Maria Angela Capello; Denise Cox; Linda Battalora Battalora “Social Media and the Oil & Gas Sector: Challenges and Opportunities”. Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2022. Paper Number: SPE-210172-MS

Maria Angela Capello; C. Susan Howes “Evolution of Ethics Frameworks in the Oil and Gas Organizations and Professional Societies” Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2022.

Paper Number: SPE-209950-MS

Maria Angela Capello. 2022, Mitigating scope 3 emissions in oil and gas: An updated summary. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE

Suhail Felicia Diaz; Luigi Alfonso Saputelli; Maria Angela Capello; Herminio Passalacqua; and Elvis Hernandez-Perdomo “Forecasting Asset Lifecycle Profitability Through Energy Efficiency and CO2 Utilization Initiatives”. Paper presented at the SPE EuropEC - Europe Energy Conference featured at the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, June 2022. Paper Number: SPE-209666-MS

Maria Angela Capello and Fred Aminzadeh, 2022, Optimizing decision-making processes in sustainability and ESG: How a digital approach transforms strategic areas of oil and gas. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE

Maria Angela Capello and C. Susan Howes, 2022, Attracting students to geoscience careers in energy: Analysis of opportunities and challenges. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE

Dan Maguire and Maria Angela Capello. 2022 The role of the geophysicist in supporting the economically viable and sustainable hydrocarbon business Part 2. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy

Maria Angela Capello. 2022, President’s Page: Advancing Sustainability in SEG.  summary. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy

Maria Angela Capello and Heather K. Handley, 2022 “Societal Preparedness to Volcanic Activity: Opportunities and Challenges Highlighted by the Geosciences Sustainability Atlas” International Conference and Exhibition of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Cartagena, Colombia, April 19-22, 2022.

Maria Angela Capello, 2022, C. Susan Howes and E. Sprunt, SPE 206063, “Capitalizing on Mentoring, Sponsoring, and Networking for Your Career Success,” JPT Journal of Petroleum Technology

M Angela Capello, L Whitesell, SL Morton, E Caslin, and A. Shaughnessy, 2021. How the application of the Geophysical Sustainability Atlas to the central United States infrastructure challenges reveals new paths for near-surface geophysics to support the UN SDGs. Society of Exploration Geophysicists First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy

Richard Xu, Dan Maguire and Maria Angela Capello. 2021 From Resources Management to Sustainable Development: A discussion on the role of SEG Oil and Gas Reserves Committee. First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE


Capello, M. A., C Robinson Marras, C Griffiths and H. Tulsidas, 2021. Applying the geophysical sustainability Atlas to the UNECE EGRM women in resource management. Society of Exploration Geophysicists First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Capello, M. A, and D. Maguire, 2021, The role of the geophysicist in supporting the economically viable and sustainable hydrocarbon business. Society of Exploration Geophysicists First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE, Denver, Colorado, USA

John Bradford, M. A. Capello, and David Lumley, 2021 “SEG emphasizes its unique contribution in call for action to address climate change”.  The Leading Edge article, Volume 40, Issue 3 , March 1, 2021


M. A. Capello, M. A. Lorente, and I. Serrano, 2021, “Venezuelan Geosciences Pioneers: A briefing about Courageous Women Who Became Role Models in Our Profession”, First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE, Denver, Colorado, USA.


M. A. Capello, A. C. Shaughnessy, E. Caslin, 2021 “Boosting Contributions of Geosciences to the UN SDGs: Novel Approaches and Strategies”. American Association of Petroleum Geologists First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE, Denver, Colorado, USA.


John Bradford, M. A. Capello, and David Lumley, 2021 “SEG emphasizes its unique contribution in call for action to address climate change”.  The Leading Edge article, Volume 40, Issue 3 , March 1, 2021


Xu, R, D. Maguire and M. A. Capello, 2021 From resources management to sustainable development: A discussion on the role of SEG Oil and Gas Reserves Committee. First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy IMAGE, Denver, Colorado, USA.

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